Great food and loads of local beer.

LennyGilmore /

Photo by Lenny Gilmore /

Skylark is Chicago’s favorite watering hole featuring the best tots in town.

“You probably won’t have to deal with any SLEEZE BALLS at this joint.”

— Centerstage

Coming Up

Coming Up

We’re serving brunch every Sunday.

Sometimes we host pop-ups, but no matter what there’s always brunch on Sunday. If you haven’t tried Jessé’s chilaquiles, you need to stop by for Skylark’s very own brunch. Add cecina sourced from the local legend Carniceria Maribel and have a bloody mary mixed in-house by Sam, plus maybe a fresh-brewed cup of coffee. And of course there are brunchy items on the menu if you’re not ready for the heat. Sundays, 11am-3pm